Introduction to Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies

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The textbook does an excellent job of overviewing elements of Intro to WGSS for a lower-level introductory course. That said, the material needs to be supplemented with an additional text for a course given that coverage of topics is sparse, as. read more

Reviewed by Ingrid Castro, Professor, Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts on 6/13/24

Comprehensiveness rating: 5 see less

The textbook does an excellent job of overviewing elements of Intro to WGSS for a lower-level introductory course. That said, the material needs to be supplemented with an additional text for a course given that coverage of topics is sparse, as the textbook is quite short. I used a feminist reader that contributed a variety readings from diverse viewpoints.

Content Accuracy rating: 5

The text is quite accurate, though it is on the short side, so that one does not get much detail regarding its content.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 5

The themes and trends in the book are still very relevant for a student in an Introduction to WGSS course, but it will need to be updated in the next few years.

Clarity rating: 5

The text writing is clear, well-written, and jargon-free.

Consistency rating: 5

The authors lay out the book in such a way that they maintain consistency throughout. Good highlighting of concepts.

Modularity rating: 5

When I teach this text, I jump around quite a bit because some of their organization is different than I would have done. The chapters are split into multiple sections, so moving around the content throughout a course is easy for students and instructors.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 4

As already stated, I did find myself reorganizing the textbook to meet the flow of the course throughout the semester. That said, I always do that with readers, including the supplementary text I used, so this textbook fit my typical course organization work.

Interface rating: 5

The text was easy to navigate, and links allowed one to jump around content with ease.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

I did not find any issues.

Cultural Relevance rating: 5

This Intro WGSS book is written by a variety of intersectional scholars so it presented topics and content with an eye toward inclusivity.

Reviewed by Melvina Khalfani, Community Faculty, Metropolitan State University on 3/5/24

This text offers a comprehensive introductory guide to key concepts and topics relevant to Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies. Helpful historical context is offered to guide students' understandings of the social and political relevance of core. read more

Reviewed by Melvina Khalfani, Community Faculty, Metropolitan State University on 3/5/24

Comprehensiveness rating: 4 see less

This text offers a comprehensive introductory guide to key concepts and topics relevant to Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies. Helpful historical context is offered to guide students' understandings of the social and political relevance of core concepts and terms. This makes a wonderful complementary text when paired with other instructor videos and articles that discuss similar topics in greater detail.

Content Accuracy rating: 4

The content is accurate and incorporates important shifts within the field over the last decade.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 5

This text delves into current political movements well and situates the current landscape in the greater context of feminist history and scholarship. It is up to date when considering its publication year.

Clarity rating: 5

The clarity of this text is useful for students who lack a basic familiarity with GWSS topics. The explanations for core terms are very accessible. This offers a helpful primer for students at the start of the semester.

Consistency rating: 5

The frameworks and language deployed through the text are consistent and clear.

Modularity rating: 5

The text is broken down into five units, with each unit further broken down into several sections related to important subtopics. This makes the text easy to assign in sections and pair with other course materials that delve into the subtopics with more depth.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 5

The organization makes sense. The text helpfully walks readers through each core topic, which builds upon previous sections.

Interface rating: 5

The text is easy to navigate. All depictions and page layouts are accessible.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

No grammatical errors to note.

Cultural Relevance rating: 5

This text makes a strong effort to offer inclusive materials relevant to a diverse student audience.

Reviewed by Meredith Clark-Wiltz, Professor and Hon. Roger D. Branigin Chair, Franklin College on 1/23/24

In just over 100 or so pages, this brief textbook offers a solid introduction to the field of women, gender, and sexuality studies in a format that is accessible to undergraduate students. Primarily featuring the work of sociologists, it provides. read more

Reviewed by Meredith Clark-Wiltz, Professor and Hon. Roger D. Branigin Chair, Franklin College on 1/23/24

Comprehensiveness rating: 4 see less

In just over 100 or so pages, this brief textbook offers a solid introduction to the field of women, gender, and sexuality studies in a format that is accessible to undergraduate students. Primarily featuring the work of sociologists, it provides clear and accessible explanations to central concepts, terms, and frameworks that are used across multiple disciplines. The text, subdivided into five units, focuses on foundational concepts (social constructionism, intersectionality, etc.); constructed categories of identity and their social meaning; institutions and culture; labor and the economy; and social movements--past and present. It is a good introduction, but it will allows for substantial supplementation with other readings and materials.

Content Accuracy rating: 4

The text provides accurate, though select, introductory information about the field of women, gender, and sexuality studies. It is increasingly difficult in current times to update materials to reflect so many of the uncertainties and policy changes related to this field of study. For instance, the text could be updated to include recent Supreme Court decisions regarding abortion access and affirmative action. However, the brevity of the text does permit for the assigning of more recent pieces that focus on the more contemporary issues relevant to the course.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 5

As a field so closely connected to contemporary issues and society, this text provides a good option for providing students general information that can be enhanced with discussion of contemporary issues. For instance, the section on "Racialized, Gendered, and Sexualized Labor in the Global Economy," could be augmented by inclusion of new studies on the gendered impact of the pandemic on employment.

Clarity rating: 5

The book is clearly written and includes short videos and pictures which make it more engaging. Terms and concepts are defined in ways that students should be able to understand.

Consistency rating: 5

The text provides a consistent approach to the course materials. The first two units offer primarily foundational concepts and terminology. They are followed by two units that reveal how those concepts work within various structures or settings (institutions, culture, systems). Finally, students receive a brief and general history of social movements that have advanced feminist or other relevant causes.

Modularity rating: 5

The book is well-organized. The availability of both online and downloaded versions of the text increase access for students. Including page numbers in the table of contents and removing links connected to unit headings that do not lead to additional information would help with navigation.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 5

While I assigned the history of the text before I assigned the units on institutions and on the economy, it makes sense that others might prefer the existing order. The structure allows for assignment of units in any order or interspersed with other materials and readings.

Interface rating: 5

The book's interface was easy to navigate. The videos and images appeared as they should. The only minor item would be removing links to unit headings that only lead to another page containing that unit heading. It really doesn't pose an issue to student access or understanding.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

The book did not contain grammatical or typographical errors in a way that was noticeable or impeded student understanding. Overall, the textbook provided clear introduction to the field of women, gender, and sexuality studies.

Cultural Relevance rating: 5

This book includes a diversity of women's lived experiences and provides framing feminist concepts such as intersectionality. It strives to have students consider privilege, systems of oppression, and diversity of experience.

Reviewed by Sydney Hart, Professor, City Colleges of Chicago on 5/27/22

This short text (135 pages) can easily be paired with a reader or selected articles and videos. The authors acknowledge that it is an introduction which briefly covers most of the topics and concepts typically taught in a WGSS course. The authors. read more

Reviewed by Sydney Hart, Professor, City Colleges of Chicago on 5/27/22

Comprehensiveness rating: 4 see less

This short text (135 pages) can easily be paired with a reader or selected articles and videos. The authors acknowledge that it is an introduction which briefly covers most of the topics and concepts typically taught in a WGSS course. The authors are sociologists and the book maintains a sociological perspective throughout, making it ideal for an interdisciplinary (WGSS) course or a disciplinary (sociology) course. It is missing a few ideas that I would have liked, for example West and Zimmerman's "Doing Gender" which was a foundational article in the discipline, a discussion of the "Other," Collins' notion of "controlling images," and Hoschchild's "second shift." A brief survey of the three main sociological theories (Conflict, Structural Functionalism, and Symbolic Interactionism) would have been helpful for a sociology course but distracting for a WGSS course; it does do a great job with essential sociological terms. I would have also like to have seen a little more emphasis on the historical constructions of gender and sexuality and a little more on queer theory. I was thrilled, however, to see many concepts like multiple masculinities included. Finally, the text is fully intersectional along the lines of race, gender, sexuality, social/economic class, and ability/disability.

Content Accuracy rating: 5

The text is highly accurate and more up-to-date than I expected given it was published in 2017. It takes a broad approach yet still manages to include some nuanced discussion of critical ideas. I was also very happy with the depth and breadth of authors included.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 4

A lot has happened in the world of WGSS, sociology of sex and gender, and the world since this book was written, including the probable and devastating loss of Roe v. Wade. Policy changes have affected many areas of life, but are easily brought in with outside readings or lecture. Additional identity-describing vocabulary has been coined, but why we need this vocabulary is carefully explained in the text. The text includes foundational concepts that allow instructors to frame more current changes. I was happily surprised by the currency of this 5-year old (as of this writing) text.

Clarity rating: 5

Like many textbooks that are charged with covering a breadth of material in a short space, this one sometimes reads like a glorified dictionary. It is clear and, with the possible exception of the two different ways of describing "structure" and "social structure," I think my community college students will find it highly accessible.

Consistency rating: 5

This book maintains a sociological framework and an intersectional focus in all of its five units. The tone and style are consistent throughout the text, making it easy and accessible to read.

Modularity rating: 5

The text has five short units ranging from 16-26 pages each. The brevity of the text provides ample opportunity for instructors to assign additional reading/video materials for discussion and to devote class time to learning activities, bringing in current events, expanding and renewing concepts, and adding ideas, information, and new ways of understanding. The brevity may present a challenge to professors who focus their teaching only on text-supported lecture.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 5

The five units flow easily and logically from grounding the student in the discipline, to deconstructing hegemonic (binary) ideas about gender and sexuality, to examining inequalities overall, in specific institutions, and in a more fully realized focus on work. Ending the text on the history of feminist social movements allows the book to leave students with a sense of hope.

Interface rating: 3

The online version was perfect, but lacked page numbers. The pdf included page numbers, but some of the charts were not as easy to read. The video links were fine in both versions.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

I did not notice any grammatical errors, although I was not reading to proofread.

Cultural Relevance rating: 5

Representation can always be improved but this text does an excellent job of being inclusive in its examples and in its citations.

There are benefits and drawbacks to a very short text. Be prepared to supplement.

Reviewed by April Terry, Associate Professor, Fort Hays State University on 12/8/21

The text covers an array of issues related to women, gender, and sexuality. I appreciate a focus on the criminalization of women throughout different political movements (e.g., War on Drugs) as well as global national and global issues. I believe. read more

Reviewed by April Terry, Associate Professor, Fort Hays State University on 12/8/21

Comprehensiveness rating: 4 see less

The text covers an array of issues related to women, gender, and sexuality. I appreciate a focus on the criminalization of women throughout different political movements (e.g., War on Drugs) as well as global national and global issues. I believe to further understand women, gender, and sexuality, the text could include a focus on place/space; specifically, the text could be more comprehensive with information pertaining to women, gender, and viewpoints on sexuality in rural areas--further dissecting differences based on geography.

Content Accuracy rating: 5

I did not uncover any information that seemed inaccurate or biased. The text accurately portrayed the research from a historical through modern perspective.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 4

I believe the text does a nice job of providing a foundation, or starting point, for many of the topic areas. Stated another way, I view this text as a source that can start a class conversation but not provide students the opportunity to delve more deeply into the content. I perceive this as a strength and area for improvement--the strength being the information provided is brief and relevant which will result in a longer "shelf-life" but also not detailed enough to provide a 16-week semester course full of discussion.

Clarity rating: 5

The text is easy to follow and navigate. The wording is written appropriately for an undergraduate student.

Consistency rating: 5

The text retains a consistent tone and framework throughout each of the five units. The contributors provide terminology in bold, consistently, and maintain a a similar framework throughout each of the units.

Modularity rating: 5

I believe this is a major strength of the text. The units are easy to read and locate. Key terms and points are clearly identified and each unit has an obvious beginning and end with references provided after each unit (for additional assigned readings).

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 4

While I do believe the organization makes sense, unit 4 is specific to gender and work in a global economy whereas the rest of the text speaks about women, gender, and sexuality from a broader context. Perhaps this unit would make more sense at the end of the text as more of a "special issue/topic" within the theme of the text. As a standalone unit, it seems specific given the nature of the text and possible use of the text.

Interface rating: 5

The text provides mostly images outside of the provided text. Images are clear and easy to see with references to accompany each. I do wonder about accessibility issues and individuals who may rely on screen readers to interpret the text and images.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

I did not uncover any grammatical errors.

Cultural Relevance rating: 5

The text provides a unit with a focus on culture, specifically. In addition to this unit, culture is noted in many other units as a byproduct of the topic itself--it would be difficult to speak about gender norms without referencing culture, for example.

I appreciate this text for use as a conversation-starter but feel it is short in nature and would require supplemental readings as well. If contributors were interested, I think this text could benefit from additional sub-topics related to women, gender, and sexuality.

Reviewed by Emily Westkaemper, Associate Professor, James Madison University on 8/22/21

This text’s emphasis on intersectionality helps make it comprehensive. Although focused over all on U.S. examples, the text refers to global contexts and examples as well. The text draws from multiple disciplines. Rather than isolating terms in a. read more

Reviewed by Emily Westkaemper, Associate Professor, James Madison University on 8/22/21

Comprehensiveness rating: 3 see less

This text’s emphasis on intersectionality helps make it comprehensive. Although focused over all on U.S. examples, the text refers to global contexts and examples as well. The text draws from multiple disciplines. Rather than isolating terms in a glossary, this textbook provides narrative definitions, with much of the text focused on explaining terms. I think this would be an especially useful format for online learning and for students who will be using e-books. There is not an index, but the unit subheading titles function to help locate topics, and the search tool in the e-book can help with locating topics. Some of the examples brought up to illustrate terms are covered with very brief descriptions, and introductory-level students might not understand the context behind these examples without doing further research.

Content Accuracy rating: 5

This text presents its information accurately.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 5

This text’s explanation that terminology and practices are contested and evolve (such as in the Identity Terms section) is an important point. Readers could consider how scholarly approaches can change over time and can vary based on context. Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies is a field in which new theories, methodological developments, and information can emerge quickly. The structure of providing definitions of core concepts while acknowledging that approaches can vary is a useful one that could make the text relevant over a long period of time. It’s possible that new terms and frameworks will become important in the field, and instructors could ask students to think about how recent events and recent scholarship are relevant to the material in the textbook. Drafting new material to supplement this text could be an assignment.

Clarity rating: 5

I found the writing very clear and think it would be readable for introductory students. This clarity in descriptions of theory and terms is very useful.

Consistency rating: 4

The text is coherent. I thought it could be beneficial to have some further explanation of the logic behind the topic organization and order. This could help provide further insight on the underlying frameworks. Some of the examples presented as sidebars are shorter and structured differently than others.

Modularity rating: 4

The length of text for each section of the e-book is a good length that does not seem too long for reading online. Some of the practices for referencing other sections of the text (referring to a page number where the topic was previously covered) aren’t directly relevant for reading in the e-book format, where page numbers aren’t visible. However, the search function can help with locating the topics.

If an instructor wanted to assign components of the text in a different order than they appear, the syllabus would likely need to include links to each section as well as to the section of references at the end of each unit. I thought it could have been useful for references to appear directly on each unit subsection.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 4

The table of contents and search function make topics easy to locate, but it could be beneficial to have some further explanation of the logic behind the topic organization and selection of topics for the units. I think the decisions to begin the text with a section on theoretical frameworks and to end the text with a section on activism were sound.

Interface rating: 5

The arrow icons used to advance through successive sections are consistent throughout the text, making it easy to page through the sections. It is useful that the contents menu and the search bar remain in place in the banner at the top of each e-book section. Some readers would likely appreciate the opportunity provided to save the full text as a pdf.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

The writing and grammar are successful.

Cultural Relevance rating: 5

This text applies an intersectional approach and includes diverse examples. The examples draw heavily from the U.S. context, and many other textbooks in the field have that same emphasis. It could be useful to include more examples from outside the U.S.

Further explanation would be useful in some parts of the textbook narrative. For example, in the 19th Century Feminist Movements section of Unit V, there is some summary of a subject analyzed in recent scholarship on the history of gender: evidence that white activists deployed stereotypes and distorted a Sojourner Truth speech in publicizing a printed version of the text. While this textbook explains that “white suffragists dramatically changed [the speech’s] content and title,” some further explanation would be useful to clarify for readers who have not studied this subject what the nature of those changes were and what they suggest about histories of biases, privileges, and oppressions. In the brief explanation provided, a reader might not understand this overarching significance. While brevity of the textbook could be positive for many instructors who will want to combine this text with more detailed, full essays and primary sources, it would be useful to have more explanation of some of the examples that are included. The “Social Construction of Heterosexuality” section is a sidebar that, comparatively, includes further detail in the form of historical context, but I thought that some brief additional explanation of James Kiernan’s career and positionality would help.

To encourage readers to seek further information, it could also be useful to provide more references within the text. In the “Theorizing Lived Experiences” section of Unit I there is a sidebar about maquiladoras to illustrate “How Macro Structures Impact People.” The explanations given for this example could provide an opportunity for readers to do some of their own analysis; however, no sources are provided, and the references listed at the end of the unit don’t give a clear indication of where the information on that topic could be found. Similarly, in the description of the “one-drop rule” as an example of social constructionism, providing more citations could help students understand the topic and help them conduct further research.

The brevity of this text could be beneficial in many instructional settings when a professor has additional readings to go in depth on topics; but the structure of this text doesn’t provide clear indication to readers, for some of the topics, of sources that would be most beneficial for further research.

If an instructor wanted students to read basic definitions of terms on a particular topic, this is a text that could be easily excerpted: there would not be a need for students to read whole units or the whole book in order to understand individual pages/ subsections, and this could be very useful for many courses. The topics covered in this text could become the basis for further research and analysis by students, giving a lot of possibilities for students to identify topics that interest them.

Reviewed by Erin Mysogland, Adjunct Lecturer, Pace University on 8/11/21

This text is excellent for an entry level course in women and gender studies. Unit I clearly and succinctly lays out key terms and theories. Terms continue to be defined throughout the text and are bolded for accessibility. If anything, the. read more

Reviewed by Erin Mysogland, Adjunct Lecturer, Pace University on 8/11/21

Comprehensiveness rating: 5 see less

This text is excellent for an entry level course in women and gender studies. Unit I clearly and succinctly lays out key terms and theories. Terms continue to be defined throughout the text and are bolded for accessibility. If anything, the text is a bit heavy on definitions and could have included more in-depth case studies to support readers in applying the terms. That being said, additional resources could easily supplement where real life examples are lacking. Terms and theories are defined in such a way that would be inviting to both first-year students as well as students with more experience in the field. For instance, the discussion of the terms “disabled people” vs. “people with disabilities” can show students how terminology is not stagnant and is informed by lived experiences. The text’s discussion of “assemblage” could similarly allow for nuanced conversations about the benefits and shortcomings of the framework of intersectionality.

Content Accuracy rating: 5

The content reflects up to date research and although it draws most heavily on sociology, it takes an interdisciplinary approach to define identity terms and apply them to social institutions, power structures, and feminist movements. References are included after every unit.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 5

The text not only reflects recent research but offers references to popular culture that make the text inviting. Videos and other embedded external resources serve to support the presentation of this content in a contemporary manner. However, the clear explanations provided with all theory and cultural references will allow the text to be relevant for years to come.

Clarity rating: 5

The text is easy to follow and is free from unnecessary jargon. All terms are well defined and are accessible across different levels of familiarity with the field.

Consistency rating: 5

The text is consistent in its use of intersectionality as a framework. The text introduces and applies the work of feminist scholars throughout, allowing for a consistent exploration and application of intersectional feminist scholarship and praxis.

Modularity rating: 5

Clear organization and consistent use of well-defined key terminology allows the text to be read in its entirety or in smaller segments. While the text flows from one section to the next, progressing from definitions to analysis of institutions and social movements, sections can easily stand on their own.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 5

The text progresses logically, beginning with definitions and ending with a historical analysis of feminist movements that applies many key ideas from the text. A brief conclusion at the end of the text may have aided readers in reviewing main ideas, but the text remains strong because of the clarity and organization throughout.

Interface rating: 4

The text is easy to navigate digitally and the imbedded images, videos, and links all function. While some images serve to enhance the text, others do not add to the written content. For instance, the image of convict leasing included in the section on the prison system introduced a complex practice without providing the necessary context in the text. Nevertheless, the text’s interface is free from issues that may challenge reader’s comprehension.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

I did not identify any grammatical errors.

Cultural Relevance rating: 5

By adopting an intersectional lens from the start the text is able to model inclusivity and cultural sensitivity. In fact, it serves as a model for accessible intersectional scholarship. That being said, the text draws heavily on the US context. At times the US focus serves to limit the presentation of key ideas. For instance, the section that chronicles the social construction of race did not offer a recognition of the role that European colonialism and global capitalism played in constructing ideas including scientific racism and ideas about black pathology, as described in the text. There are bright spots in the text’s international analysis, including a multilevel analysis of maquiladoras along the US-Mexico border. Used in conjunction with external resources that adopt more of an international focus, these instances of international analysis present in the text are certainly adequate for introducing students to global applications of theory from the field of women and gender studies.

Reviewed by Jennifer Miller, Lecturer, University of Texas at Arlington on 12/13/20

The book is quite comprehension, but it lacks depth and case studies to help students understand the significance of and context for terms introduced. It needs to be supplemented with more detailed work on ideas introduced. It does what it does. read more

Reviewed by Jennifer Miller, Lecturer, University of Texas at Arlington on 12/13/20

Comprehensiveness rating: 4 see less

The book is quite comprehension, but it lacks depth and case studies to help students understand the significance of and context for terms introduced. It needs to be supplemented with more detailed work on ideas introduced. It does what it does very well, but instructors should expect to use this text as a foundation they must build on to give students a comprehensive introduction to the field.

Content Accuracy rating: 5

Definitions are accurate and accessible. They provide an essential vocabulary for thinking about and discussing gender and sexuality.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 5

The textbook introduces students to key words and ideas that may be expanded on and changed in the future, but will remain a necessary component of any introductory course in the field.

Clarity rating: 5

The text is well written with accessible prose.

Consistency rating: 5

The text is written and formatted consistently to help readers follow the material presented.

Modularity rating: 5

The text can be used flexibly to meet the needs of different courses and course designs. I also see this used in introductory sociology courses, perhaps even introductory literature courses; although not in its entirety. The text does a very good job introducing key ideas that can be used to shape conversations.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 5

Key words and ideas are clustered in a logical format that will allow instructors to pair excerpts with more in depth studies and/or cultural texts to elucidate context and significance.

Interface rating: 5

I found the text easy to navigate. Links to outside sources seem to work and add interest. They can be assigned for homework or introduced in class to prompt discussion.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

I didn't identify any grammatical issues.

Cultural Relevance rating: 5

The text is inclusive of racial and ethnic differences. Multiple gender and sexual identities are identified and discussed accurately. Disability terminology is also introduced.

I think this is a significant resource for instructors teaching introductory gender and sexuality studies courses. It will also be useful for those teaching sociology, literature, and other cultural texts.

Reviewed by Francesca Calamita, Assistant Professor, University of Virginia on 11/28/20

For an intro level, this is an ideal book, however it requires other materials to be added for the class. It is good also if you teach a class for two depts, such as a cross-listed course, with easy and quick explanations students who are not. read more

Reviewed by Francesca Calamita, Assistant Professor, University of Virginia on 11/28/20

Comprehensiveness rating: 4 see less

For an intro level, this is an ideal book, however it requires other materials to be added for the class. It is good also if you teach a class for two depts, such as a cross-listed course, with easy and quick explanations students who are not majoring/minoring in WGS might need to consult.

Content Accuracy rating: 5

I did not find any errors. I would therefore say it is very accurate and relevant.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 4

Some basic ideas will be considered at the base of the discipline also in the future, yet updates will become necessary with time,

Clarity rating: 5

Clear, immediate and easy to read.

Consistency rating: 5

It is very consistent too.

Modularity rating: 5

It is easy to follow. It depends on how you will organise your course, you might need to go back and forward but in general it is well organised and the material is easy to find.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 5

Well organised and easy to consult.

Interface rating: 5

I didn't come across any particular issues.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

Great, I did not find any mistakes.

Cultural Relevance rating: 5

It is a good starting point for basic WGS topics, yet strongly anchored in the US-context, so it might benefits from transnational references in the future.

I think I will use it this spring to help students in a cross-listed class to review some basic topics. We might suggest some transnational references.

Reviewed by Erin Boyce, Full Time Faculty, Metropolitan State University of Denver on 8/9/20

This book covers a lot of information, minimally. This is sufficient because it is an introduction book and gives students a good base and framework and has been relatively easy to supplement with some more in depth resources. read more

Reviewed by Erin Boyce, Full Time Faculty, Metropolitan State University of Denver on 8/9/20

Comprehensiveness rating: 4 see less

This book covers a lot of information, minimally. This is sufficient because it is an introduction book and gives students a good base and framework and has been relatively easy to supplement with some more in depth resources.

Content Accuracy rating: 5

I have not come across any information that I feel is inaccurate or misrepresented. It is a book related to Women and Gender issues, to it is difficult to say it is unbiased; however, I think this is expected and reasonable based on the content.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 5

The course this book is being used for had not used a text book previously, this introductory text is current, easily readable, and could be easily updated with more relevant external resources as time moves on.

Clarity rating: 4

The book is very straightforward; however, in it's effort to be succinct and to the point, some context can be lost. It requires a strong course agenda to supplement the chapters with more in depth readings.

Consistency rating: 5

This book is clear in its intention from beginnnig to end.

Modularity rating: 5

This book is divided up well. I jumped around in how it's implemented in my course and didn't use it from start to finish, but met the needs of each module it was applicable to.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 4

As noted before, the organization was different than the course was designed, but each chapter does stand alone making it easy to reorganize to meet the course agenda.

Interface rating: 5

No issues, all links and external resources were working. Easy to open, access, and search for content.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

None that I observed.

Cultural Relevance rating: 5

This book takes an intersectional perspective that is very inclusive of many races, ethnicities, and gender backgrounds.

I am excited to implement this Fall in my classes and look forward to getting feedback from my students on their thoughts on how it affected thier learning.

Reviewed by Mikkilynn Olmsted, Senior Lecturer, Metropolitan State University of Denver on 7/24/20

Units I and II are comprehensive yet easy-to-follow glossary-heavy chapters on gender and women's studies. I especially like the multimedia examples. The latter chapters, most especially Unit III and Unit IV, are less comprehensive. The. read more

Reviewed by Mikkilynn Olmsted, Senior Lecturer, Metropolitan State University of Denver on 7/24/20

Comprehensiveness rating: 4 see less

Units I and II are comprehensive yet easy-to-follow glossary-heavy chapters on gender and women's studies. I especially like the multimedia examples. The latter chapters, most especially Unit III and Unit IV, are less comprehensive. The presentation on gendered and interpersonal violence was based on outdated research, even for the e-book's 2017 publication date. Supplemental materials would be needed to cover the more specific subsections presented in Unit IV's survey of "gender and the economy."

Content Accuracy rating: 4

On the whole, this publication offers insightful interpretations of gender studies. Students will benefit from the intersectional, multiple-perspectives presented in each unit as that represents today's academic field and today's social justice movements. The presentation on, interpersonal violence, gender assault, and rape survivors within the US criminal justice systems needs updating.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 3

The world has changed quite a bit since 2017; yet, I would feel confident in assigning all of Units I and II and sections of the other units along with supplemental materials that discuss gender studies and social justice movements in 2020. There appears an unusual emphasis on the George Bush administration, which dates the materials.

Clarity rating: 4

The beginning of the e-book employs introductory language and vocabulary easy for students to understand and memorize. With each unit, the amount of academic discourse increases. The last unit presents most similarly to an upper-level academic seminar paper. This gradual increase in complexity may fit nicely with a gradual increase in rigor over a semester.

Consistency rating: 4

The terminology fits the field, although I would have liked to see additional terms such as Black Lives Matter and sex trafficking.

Modularity rating: 4

Unit III and Unit IV could be their own publications. The number of topics covered in these two units results in superficial summary for some and in near misrepresentation for others. I would prefer emphasis on smaller chapters for each of the subjects or expanding the whole e-book to more fully present these subjects.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 3

Introducing key vocabulary and theory makes sense for Units I and II. Unit V, a historical review of feminism, appears too late. There are multiple reminder references to the previous units, in fact, which would be unnecessary if history was presented earlier.

Interface rating: 5

There are no navigational or interface issues.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

I saw no grammar errors of note.

Cultural Relevance rating: 5

This is a grand plus of this publication - it is intersectional and post-colonial. Several transnational feminist scholars' ideas appear in the latter units.

This is a solid resource to cover the basic components of gender studies and the history of feminism. I would recommend assigning it as required reading during the early days of an introductory women's and gender studies course.

Reviewed by Charlotte Haller, Professor, Worcester State University on 6/29/20

The book is definitely geared to an introductory level. Each chapter is very, very short (as in a page or so). The number of topics covered work well for an introductory class, though, and the shortness is a benefit for faculty who want to. read more

Reviewed by Charlotte Haller, Professor, Worcester State University on 6/29/20

Comprehensiveness rating: 3 see less

The book is definitely geared to an introductory level. Each chapter is very, very short (as in a page or so). The number of topics covered work well for an introductory class, though, and the shortness is a benefit for faculty who want to incorporate a range of other kinds of readings. The textbook alone would not provide sufficient material to teach a class (which is good, in my opinion, because we shouldn't rely on textbooks like that).

Content Accuracy rating: 5

There were no errors that I detected in the textbook. The material is presented in an appropriate, matter-of-fact way.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 4

Because this textbook has an "Attribution" license ("This license lets others distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This is the most accommodating of licenses offered. Recommended for maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials."), I am planning in future courses to have students add to and adapt the textbook to reflect their current concerns and understandings. There were a couple of places in the textbook where I found the use of a particular sociological jargon (for instance, SNAF - Standard North American Family) to be jarring and giving a sense of a common use of a term that isn't commonly used. In the future, I might just delete that reference so that students can focus on the many helpful definitions and commonly-used terms in WGSS.

Clarity rating: 5

This is a real strength of the textbook. I really appreciate how the authors really slow down and explain unfamiliar terms or concepts clearly and concisely. This is a textbook that is clearly grounded in the teaching of Introduction to Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and is presented in a way that is understandable and useful for undergraduates without a lot of background in the subject.

Consistency rating: 5

The organization is very clear and well-organized. The terms used are consistent.

Modularity rating: 5

Each section is very short and could be easily reorganized to reflect the course structure. In fact, faculty used to a more conventional textbook, where chapters build on one another and there is an effort at narrative continuity might find this textbook overly choppy, but that is clearly the intention as it allows the textbook to be chopped up and re-ordered relatively easily.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 5

Given the short chapters, and the clear subheadings and framework, this is a textbook that is very easy to navigate and understand the general flow and organization.

Interface rating: 4

The online reading interface is a little clunky, but once you get used to it, it's fine. Because of the modularity, sometimes when you click from the drop-down menu to a new section, the page will be blank, but you need to click an arrow at the bottom left to get to the next page that has text. The online version has hyperlinks, which consistently worked well.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

I did not see any grammatical errors.

Cultural Relevance rating: 4

This is a U.S.-centric text, though there are some attempts at broader global contextualization. Widening the lens could be great project either for students or a faculty member using this text as a launching-off point.

I used this text in an Intro to WGSS class before I fully understood OER resources. I found it to be, as expected, a helpful textbook that got students oriented to concepts that we then covered more in depth in class. Now that I have participated in an (excellent) training on OER, I better understand how valuable this kind of textbook is, have a great appreciation for the chosen format, and am excited in the future to use it to support not just free textbooks for students, but actual open pedagogy and engagement with students to create a textbook that works for them and reflects them.

Reviewed by Nishant Upadhyay, Assistant Professor, University of Colorado Boulder on 6/11/20

This is by far the most comprehensive intro to WGS text I have seen. Most texts are outdated and rely on older feminist writings with very little contemporary content. I like the way themes are introduced and organized - would work quite well for. read more

Reviewed by Nishant Upadhyay, Assistant Professor, University of Colorado Boulder on 6/11/20

Comprehensiveness rating: 4 see less

This is by far the most comprehensive intro to WGS text I have seen. Most texts are outdated and rely on older feminist writings with very little contemporary content. I like the way themes are introduced and organized - would work quite well for intro classes. Key words and concepts are well-defined and would be accessible to most students. As an intro text, it does a good job of introducing key sites of feminist engagement and critiques - from the family to state to medical complex to prison industrial complex to sweatshops. It exposes students to wide range of conversations. Many of these conversations will have to complimented with other external sources, but the text provides a key foundation. The text is intersectional from the first section itself, unlike the last text I used where intersectionality came on page 465. However, I would suggest naming black feminists and feminisms right when intersectionality is introduced first. As the authors note, the text heavily lies on sociology. Given how interdisciplinary WGS is, I think it does need more interdisciplinary content.

Content Accuracy rating: 5

Overall the content is accurate. I like the use of videos, and suggest more videos as we go further along in the text. More examples are needed, but perhaps they can be added as supplementary materials by the instructors.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 5

Unlike most intro to WGS texts, this text brings in trans and disability as key analytics and seeks to be as updated as possible with language and terminology. This is highly commendable. Disability Studies and Trans Studies are rapidly changing and re-defining Gender and Feminist Studies, and most conventional text books have failed to keep up with the interventions made by these fields. More importantly, both fields are engaged as foundational to WGS not as an after-thought.

Clarity rating: 5

For a text with limited number of pages, it's impressive that it remains so clear and sharp throughout. The authors introduce very complex ideas in accessible ways - probably the biggest highlight of the book. The text introduce terms like postcolonial, decoloniality, and homonationalism, which is quite remarkable. I assume these terms may still be very difficult for students but I appreciate that they are introduced in the text.

Consistency rating: 5

The framework and format is very consistent, which makes the text more accessible and easy to navigate.

Modularity rating: 5

This is one of the strongest aspects of the text. It's neatly organized and easy to navigate. Different chapters can be assigned on their own without the need to use the entire text.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 5

I am impressed by the organization and flow of the text. The text engages with many complicated ideas yet its easy to access and navigate.

Interface rating: 5

I liked the options of engaging with the text on multiple platforms. They are easy to switch and allows for a smooth reading and viewing.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

Cultural Relevance rating: 3

While the text is not necessarily insensitive or offensive, it is very specific to the US context with very limited engagement with the global south (even though it does focus on the global south). It does a good job in centering African American/Black feminisms - which is much much needed in most WGS textbooks. However, there is no engagement with Indigenous feminists and questions of settler colonialism and Indigenous decolonization. Furthermore, experiences and works of other women of color and immigrant women, specifically Chicana and Muslim women, are glaringly absent from the text. More generally, colonialism and imperialism needs to be centered more. Lastly, points around Brazilians not being considered Latinx in the US and experiences of Black folks in Brazil is not contextualized thoroughly and needs more complex engagement.

Reviewed by Kristi Fondren, Professor and Chair, Marshall University on 4/17/20

The text appears to cover necessary content for an introductory level course in women, gender, and sexuality studies. Key terms are embedded within the chapters and in bold font which makes them easily identifiable for the reader. Examples are. read more

Reviewed by Kristi Fondren, Professor and Chair, Marshall University on 4/17/20

Comprehensiveness rating: 5 see less

The text appears to cover necessary content for an introductory level course in women, gender, and sexuality studies. Key terms are embedded within the chapters and in bold font which makes them easily identifiable for the reader. Examples are then provided. The text begins with key terms and perspectives before moving on to inclusion and intersectionality and pluralities regarding identity, the impact of institutions and structures on identity, work and the economy - in the U.S. and abroad, and ends with historical and more recent social movements.

Content Accuracy rating: 5

The content of the text appears to be accurate in terms of its content and coverage of material. I did not notice any content errors upon my first reading. Text is unbiased and inclusive in its coverage of content and identities.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 5

Given that it's been a few years since I've taught our sex and gender course, I appreciate that the text is up-to-date, particularly recognizing multiple gender identities and pluralities compared to older versions of similar textbooks. As society continues to transform, the text, as written, appears to be set up in a way that would be easy to update.

Clarity rating: 5

The tone of the text is scholarly, with references cited and provided, yet accessible to an audience outside of academia. Students will appreciate how succinct and straightforward the chapters are written.

Consistency rating: 5

The text is easy to navigate. Chapters are organized in the same manner (i.e., key terms in bold font, full references at the end) which will make it friendly to use. The text does not jump all over the place which is nice. The textbook as a whole is organized in a way that makes sense, beginning with key terms and perspectives, moving to identities and institutions, and ending with social movements.

Modularity rating: 5

I appreciate how the text is written in such a way that it is direct and to the point. Key terms are defined and supported with examples. There are visuals for each reading and in nearly all, if not all, chapters a video component. Text could be used in the order that the material is presented or it allows itself to be used as supplemental material to other readings.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 5

The textbook is will organized. Material is presented in a logical, clear fashion. If anything, I initially thought it odd the work and the economy had its own chapter; however, since nearly everyone has experience with this institution, I do find the chapter appropriate for the text.

Interface rating: 5

I had no problems with navigation and found the pdf version to be very easy to navigate. Images and charts were clear as were the video components, though one was initially unavailable. However, I was able to access it at a later time.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

I did not notice any grammatical errors. Text is well-written.

Cultural Relevance rating: 5

I found the text to be inclusive of not only gender identities and pluralities, but inclusive when it comes to discussing race, ethnicity, and cultural backgrounds.

I plan to use this book as a supplement to research monographs. I find that non-majors who take our upper level sex and gender class could benefit from a textbook that provides key terminology. Our majors generally do not need something like that; however, this text would be a good resource for them as well. I would recommend it, but not require it. Since it's easily accessible to them, I imagine all would appreciate having this text as a point of reference.

Reviewed by Christiana Paradis, Adjunct Professor, Susquehanna University on 3/20/20

I thought that this is a good introduction to a textbook, but it would be helpful if it was a bit more comprehensive. There is no mention of the fourth "wave" of feminism, nor the impacts on the labor rights movement and anti-lynching movements. read more

Reviewed by Christiana Paradis, Adjunct Professor, Susquehanna University on 3/20/20

Comprehensiveness rating: 3 see less

I thought that this is a good introduction to a textbook, but it would be helpful if it was a bit more comprehensive. There is no mention of the fourth "wave" of feminism, nor the impacts on the labor rights movement and anti-lynching movements that directly impacted the first and second waves. I thought each of the topics introduced in the third section was helpful, but not as comprehensive as they could be. You would need to assign a variety of supplemental readings in addition to this text to meet your benchmarks for this course.

Content Accuracy rating: 5

Overall the information provided was concise and accurate.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 4

I think the text is definitely relevant and content is mostly up to date, but there are sections that could be more up to date in regards to changing legislation under our current presidential leadership and ever evolving understanding of gender and sexuality issues within the LGBTQ+ community.

Clarity rating: 5

Text was clear and straight forward.

Consistency rating: 4

Consistent section to section in terms of language. The beginning of the text had more opportunity for video links and hyperlinks which seem to taper off as the text moves forward.

Modularity rating: 5

It would be very easy to assign pieces of text from this book.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 3

The topics seem slightly out of order to me. The first and second sections are perfectly in line, but the change to focusing on the workplace and other feminist issues and then circling back to feminist history seems a bit awkward. If I was assigning readings from the text I would assign section I, II, IV, and III.

Interface rating: 3

Several charts are distorted. Some of the image choices seem very odd to me. I loved the beginning of the text where it was broken up via recommended videos, I would prefer that remain throughout rather than transition to photos that didn't always coincide with context of the text.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

Text was well written.

Cultural Relevance rating: 4

The text wasn't culturally insensitive, but I felt that some of the image choices could have been more appropriate and culturally relevant.

If I can find all my supplemental readings online I would consider switching to this open text, but would like to see it expanded and organized a bit better.

Reviewed by Sarah Hastings, Professor, Radford University on 1/31/20

This text addresses the majority of topic areas covered in an introductory course in Women's and Gender Studies. Key words and concepts were clearly identified in bold font. Headings were mostly descriptive. At times, I wasn't sure what content. read more

Reviewed by Sarah Hastings, Professor, Radford University on 1/31/20

Comprehensiveness rating: 5 see less

This text addresses the majority of topic areas covered in an introductory course in Women's and Gender Studies. Key words and concepts were clearly identified in bold font. Headings were mostly descriptive. At times, I wasn't sure what content might follow a particular heading, but all content was ultimately found to be relevant and easily comprehensible. Embedded videos will be appreciated by students. The units largely aligned with other texts I have used in class and covered the main overarching topics including social structures and institutions, matrices of power, work, gender roles, women's bodies, health, and historical movements.

Content Accuracy rating: 5

Material seemed accurate throughout. Chapters were objectively written. Language was inclusive and free of bias. I saw nothing that prompted me to question whether information was accurately reported or represented. A reference section follows each of the five units, and citations are included throughout the text.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 5

Content was up to date. The discipline is one in which rapid social change impacts the material covered year to year. Terms become outdated, new court decisions come down, and current events impact how we approach content in the classroom. I have used several printed texts for an introductory Women's & Gender Studies course that seemed out of date in sections. An advantage of an electronic text (that I had not fully considered before) is the ability to update rather easily, rather than having to wait for a new edition to be printed.

Clarity rating: 5

This was a particular area of strength for this text. The language was exceptionally straightforward, and as noted above, bolded font helps the reader identify key concepts and flag ideas for further study. The section dealing with third wave and queer feminist movements was particularly clear in comparison with other texts I have used. Likewise, the section titled Racialized, Gendered, and Sexualized labor in the Global Economy, did a good job of explaining ideas that can be difficult for undergraduate students to grasp. This section was brief--possibly too brief--but it offered the basics that instructors can use as a springboard to link with other resources.

Consistency rating: 5

The book was consistent throughout. Ideas built upon one another. Unit I serves as a sound introduction to the remaining units and offers a "view at 30,000 feet" to help the reader prepare to view the terrain below in closer detail. No inconsistencies were noted in terms of the information provided or the ideas discussed.

Modularity rating: 5

Reading sections are short and can be completed in one sitting. When reading the text online, the menu on the left hand side of the screen is easily navigable. In online format, there are no page numbers, so instructors may need to rely on headings to direct students to assigned passages. The downloadable pdf version of the text does have page numbers, and the videos are easily accessible, though watching them is not as streamlined as when reading the book online. Switching back and forth between the two formats was not difficult especially with two screens.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 5

The book is organized in a manner similar to other women's and gender studies texts I have used. The book lends itself well to asynchronous or hybrid courses that are often organized by modules, and would easily map onto a five module online format. Intuitively, one might expect to find the section on historical movements first rather than last, but my experience is that most textbooks in the discipline structure material placing historical information last. Once students are introduced to key topics in the field and invited to consider the impact of social structures and systems of power on women's lives, then they are more equipped to look at social movements and individual figures who responded to the forces in their particular historical context.

Interface rating: 5

Embedded videos are engaging and images are clear and colorful. Pages are formatted well throughout. The book can be downloaded or read online.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

No grammatical errors were noted. The text flowed well. Sentence structure was engaging. Content was easily gleaned in read-through.

Cultural Relevance rating: 5

The text used inclusive language throughout. Images and examples used helped the book avoid relying exclusively on a Eurocentric perspective. No offensive or culturally insensitive language was noted.

I am planning to use this book in my class next fall. I will supplement with additional material, particularly writings by women that reflect their lived experiences. However, I was pleased this book offers a solid foundation that will help ground students in the key concepts that sometimes get lost in lengthier texts.

Reviewed by Karen Scarpella, Part-time faculty, Aims Community College on 7/29/19

This textbook is designed to be a simple and structured outline for a course. It is “comprehensive” in that it covers many of the standard topics. The depth of each section is superficial. The benefit of this is that it is a nice outline to add. read more

Reviewed by Karen Scarpella, Part-time faculty, Aims Community College on 7/29/19

Comprehensiveness rating: 4 see less

This textbook is designed to be a simple and structured outline for a course. It is “comprehensive” in that it covers many of the standard topics. The depth of each section is superficial. The benefit of this is that it is a nice outline to add additional materials as each instructor prefers.

Terms are presented in bold with an accessible explanation and definition. However, there is not a glossary or index. The table of contents provides an outline of subjects covered.

Content Accuracy rating: 3

Content accuracy appears to be acceptable. However, an unbiased and conservative counter-view is not presented. For example, the section on transgender does not present the argument that this is not believed to be legitimate by some.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 5

Content is presented in a way that will easily be updated as information changes over time.

Clarity rating: 5

Possibly the most positive critique is that this text is written in clear, concise, and accessible language for undergraduate students reading this kind of material for the first time.

Consistency rating: 5

There is no evidence that this was written by multiple authors. The tenor and voice remain consistent throughout.

Modularity rating: 5

The textbook and its sections are divided into smaller subunits that appear to be easily consumed without intimidating lengths for undergrad students. The sections would seem to be flexible and able to be moved around to suit individual instructors and course objectives.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 4

The textbook is organized in a similar fashion to other contemporary Introduction to Women’s Studies textbooks. However, it continues to pose the issue that students may grow impatient while waiting to get to Women’s historical challenges and accomplishments.

Interface rating: 4

The textbook seems easily used and has unbroken links in the online version. The section forwarding is located at the bottom of the page and initially difficult to see.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

The text contains no grammatical errors.

Cultural Relevance rating: 4

The text is not culturally insensitive or offensive in any way. They did a nice job of integrating and highlighting the experiences and impact of black women in our history. However, the book could be further improved by including more examples and history of other marginalized groups.

Reviewed by Kirsten Olsen, Sociology Instructor, Anoka-Ramsey Community College on 6/28/19

Assuming that an instructor is looking for a basic introductory book, this book will likely work quite well. It briefly introduces many concepts in an accessible way but does not provide much depth or detail. So many textbooks are too in-depth. read more

Reviewed by Kirsten Olsen, Sociology Instructor, Anoka-Ramsey Community College on 6/28/19

Comprehensiveness rating: 3 see less

Assuming that an instructor is looking for a basic introductory book, this book will likely work quite well. It briefly introduces many concepts in an accessible way but does not provide much depth or detail. So many textbooks are too in-depth for a 1000-level course, and this might fill a niche for instructors looking for a very basic introductory book so that they can tailor the course (additional readings, activities, assignments, etc.) to their specific course objectives. I think it would be difficult to use this book if you are new to teaching and do not have the background knowledge or resources to supplement it effectively. However, this book would like likely work for seasoned professors who have been teaching gender studies for quite some time. As a sociologist, I wish there was a bit more sociological theory in the textbook, but then the audience would likely be too narrow. I also wish the book would have included the educational system as a social institution and incorporated Title IX and sex education as topics. There is no glossary, no index, and no list key terms at the end of each unit, all of which I think are helpful for first year students.

Content Accuracy rating: 4

My only concern is that some students may see the Huffington Post citations, immediately dismiss the course content, and stop learning. On the other hand, there are many topics in gender and sexuality courses that challenge students, so this may not be much of an issue in the grand scheme of things.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 5

Material seems to be quite up-to-date and easy to change in future editions. I recommend adding gender non-conforming, matrix of domination, and femininities to the next version.

Clarity rating: 5

The text is written at an appropriate level for first year college students who do not have a background in sociology or gender and sexuality studies.

Consistency rating: 4

Like many introductory textbooks, this textbook effectively incorporates key terms by bolding them. However, there is a lack of consistency in how clear the definitions are. Sometimes the definitions are very clear, whereas the meanings of some key terms were more subtly integrated into the text. I assume this would be frustrating for students.

Modularity rating: 5

The text is broken up into sections that are so small that it will almost surely keep students’ attention. On the flip side, such short sections can make the textbook seem choppy, especially if you are comparing it to traditional printed textbooks.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 4

Many textbooks only talk about feminisms at the end of the textbook. I like that this textbook briefly introduces students to feminisms in Unit I and then goes into further detail in Unit V. The main thing that I would change is to add a Unit Summary or ‘Bringing it All Together’ section at the end of each unit.

Interface rating: 5

I mainly reviewed a printed copy of the text because I retain more information that way. Luckily my college will print a paper for students at very low cost. As a result, I only looked at some of the charts and links online. However, the amount of material for each section makes the online reading tolerable, and that means a lot coming from someone like me who hates reading online. If the chapters were extensive, it would be too cumbersome to read the online version. Given the brevity of the text, the online version would work fairly well.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

I only noticed one error.

Cultural Relevance rating: 4

The book does a decent job of explaining that terminology, identities, content, and perspectives will continue to evolve. Examples are relatively diverse throughout the textbook, but the textbook could benefit from more diversity related to age and religious affiliation.

Reviewed by Stina Soderling, Instructor, Metropolitan State University of Denver on 5/7/19

As several reviewers have noted, this is not a comprehensive textbook. This, however, is not necessarily a weakness. The text provides definitions of important terms, and an introduction to some key topics and concepts. It can easily be. read more

Reviewed by Stina Soderling, Instructor, Metropolitan State University of Denver on 5/7/19

Comprehensiveness rating: 3 see less

As several reviewers have noted, this is not a comprehensive textbook. This, however, is not necessarily a weakness. The text provides definitions of important terms, and an introduction to some key topics and concepts. It can easily be supplemented with other sources in order to provide a more comprehensive introduction to Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. Considering that there are varying views between institutions, and even individual instructors, of what an introductory WGSS course should cover, the flexibility that a minimalist textbook, paired with other materials, offers can be a benefit rather than a flaw.
Again, as other reviewers have pointed out, the sociological training of all of the authors mean that other common approaches to WGSS are not adequately represented.

Content Accuracy rating: 5

Yes, the content is accurate and error-free. In the field of WGSS, “unbiased” is not necessarily the most relevant category. The text does have a feminist bias, and this is a good thing.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 5

The content is up-to-date. Because much terminology related to gender changes rather quickly, the book will most likely need updating every few years, but this would be the case for any textbook in the field.

Clarity rating: 4

The language is overall clear; however, brevity of the book at times comes at the expense of clarity and accessibility. For example, the chapter “Identity Terms” aims to define terms people use to identify themselves, such as “cis-gender” or “person of color.” The descriptions are accurate, but they do not provide much context. I can imagine using this chapter as a reference guide for students, but not as a tool for teaching the meaning of these terms.

Consistency rating: 5

Yes, the book is consistent in its terminology and framework.

Modularity rating: 5

The book is divided into five units, each made up of approximately five chapters. The chapters are all short, and can be assigned for one class session, even with the addition of other materials. The units could be assigned in a different order than how the book is organized, as each unit stands on its own. Individual chapters could also be assigned in a different order.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 4

The two first units of the book are largely devoted to defining terms and concepts. While I can see the reasons behind this – giving students a common vocabulary for the course – it creates a disembodied feeling. The book ends with a unit on feminist history, which strikes me as a better starting point, giving students some basis for why they should care about all the terminology. But, as mentioned above, the units could easily be rearranged to fit the teaching approach of any given instructor or course.

Interface rating: 4

Yes, the text is free of significant interface issues. It would be helpful if the table of contents at the beginning of the text were hyperlinked.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

I did not find any grammatical errors in the text.

Cultural Relevance rating: 5

The authors have taken care to write a text that is culturally sensitive and not offensive. The text is consistently written from an intersectional perspective.

The text contains links to several YouTube videos. While these often contain useful content, YouTube videos are not accessible in terms of closed captioning.

Reviewed by Jessica Davidson, Associate Professor, James Madison University on 3/4/19

As an Introductory text, it covers essential points such as introduction to the field and discussion of key theory, challenging binary systems and looking at difference (sex/gender/sexuality system and race and class) and institutions, culture. read more

Reviewed by Jessica Davidson, Associate Professor, James Madison University on 3/4/19

Comprehensiveness rating: 3 see less

As an Introductory text, it covers essential points such as introduction to the field and discussion of key theory, challenging binary systems and looking at difference (sex/gender/sexuality system and race and class) and institutions, culture, and structures.
Despite its position as an introductory text, the final two units have a more specialized focus: one covers gender and work in the global market and the final unit is dedicated to feminist social movements (serves as the history/narrative of 19thc., 20thc, and third wave movements).
It is a bit unclear why the last two units have their unique focus- gender and work in the global market, and feminist social movements. While both topics undoubtedly are important elements of the discipline, it is not evident why they are chosen as opposed to other central themes in the field, for example, women and health or women and politics. The unit on women and the global market seems a more advanced case study of the broader concepts established effectively in the first units. It is a departure from the slower paced incremental presentation of key concepts in earlier units.
There is neither an index nor a glossary.
At times, the text leans towards a sociology-centric conception of the field. It is unclear what advantage this discipline-specific approach offers especially considering the fundamentally interdisciplinary nature of women’s, gender, and sexuality studies.

Content Accuracy rating: 5

To the best of my ability to assess, the content is accurate and error-free.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 5

The text seems well positioned and up-to-date with opening photos of the Black Lives Matter March and the 2017 Women’s March in DC.

Clarity rating: 5

The text explains potentially complicated and confusing terms in a sensible and logical way that avoids alienating readers through too much jargon. The discussion in unit 1 of “identity terms” is particularly good. It introduces many new concepts/language in a simplified and comprehensible way, i.e. “people of color,” “non-binary,” “pansexual,” and “Intersectionality.”
In unit III, the ubiquitous academic term “institution” is very well defined and applicable to disciplines outside of women’s, gender, and sexuality studies.

Consistency rating: 5

The text consistently uses the same terms and definitions throughout the units.

Modularity rating: 5

The text seems to lend itself to breaking up material into shorter readings. Units have brief introduction followed by several pages of text for each section within the unit.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 4

The text is organized into 5 larger units that contain between 4-8 chapters/sections depending on the unit and a reference section at the end of each unit. The organization seems clearly laid out and explained.
Unit 2 reads a bit choppy. While terms are well defined, there is little integration of them into the next section, or into a larger narrative that is emphasized throughout the unit.

Interface rating: 4

The text effectively allows the reader to navigate easily from section to section without problems.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

The text is written in a consistent and smooth style without grammatical errors or unclear prose.

Cultural Relevance rating: 3

The text presents an unclear balance of US content and global content. It leans towards a US focus especially in the final unit on feminist movements, which only covers the history of these movements in the United States. In the Third Wave feminism section there are few references to movements outside of the US. However, within the context of the US, the unit on feminist movements is impressively inclusive. The authors present a full picture the first wave of feminist movements in the US, including discussion of white and black activists.

While it is not the intent of the textbook to include primary sources and/or excerpts from key contributors to the field, an inclusion of one or two for each until would serve to exemplify the interdisciplinary nature of the field and encourage application of terms and concepts to the relevant readings.

Reviewed by Elizabeth Losh, Associate Professor, VIVA / William and Mary on 11/25/18

The text does a serviceable job citing key terms in an introductory course (essentialism, biological determinism, androcentrism, the gender binary, compulsory heterosexuality, heteronormativity, intersectionality, cult of domesticity, male gaze. read more

Reviewed by Elizabeth Losh, Associate Professor, VIVA / William and Mary on 11/25/18

Comprehensiveness rating: 4 see less

The text does a serviceable job citing key terms in an introductory course (essentialism, biological determinism, androcentrism, the gender binary, compulsory heterosexuality, heteronormativity, intersectionality, cult of domesticity, male gaze, medicalization, eugenics, first wave/second wave/third wave, identity politics, etc.)

In particular, the glossary in chapter three performs important work to help students use appropriate language, so that students are not stigmatized after the gaffe of using a prejudicial term in an introductory course. Unfortunately, given its overview approach that emphasizes keywords, this textbook often truncates any discussion about why there might be controversy in the first place. This approach may also set a didactic tone that emphasizes correctness and thus discourages challenges. In other words, this textbook could use more extended examples like its discussion of the controversy about “person-first” language, which might serve as a useful class discussion point for a dialogic exchange.

Often this textbook feels more like an outline than a textbook. Some chapters are only a paragraph in length! Other topics whiz by without adequate elaboration. For example, in chapter four the important key term of “privilege” is glossed over too rapidly. A Creative Commons image of a sign-waving protestor on Flickr highlighting the phrase “privilege is when you think something is not a problem because it is not a problem to you personally” seems too pat for such a difficult talking point for undergraduates who tend to be sensitive and fear accusations from their peers. The equally important term “ally” is not presented at all. And in chapter five the quick parallelism between gender and race used to explain the term “social constructionism” might need more explanation given complex feelings that students might have about the Rachel Dolezal case or Instagrammers who make themselves appear Black. Given how the term “appropriation” is often an important one for these discussions, its absence is also noteworthy.

More case studies, stories, or extended examples would greatly improve readability. For example, the authors’ discussion of the history of the term “heterosexual” (and its early associations with deviance and the pursuit of sexual pleasure than reproduction) is useful for de-naturalizing heterosexuality. Although the section on women’s liberation movements offers some extended examples, it is strangely selective, especially given the textbook’s commitment to offering intersectional perspectives.

Content Accuracy rating: 4

As others have pointed out the text may be limited by the disciplinary expertise of its authors who are all sociologists who bring sociological perspectives but lack training comparable to the “biologists, anthropologists, sociologists, historians, chemists, engineers, economists and researchers from just about any identifiable department” lauded in the introduction. Thus an analysis of social structures might be more likely to be privileged over issues of representation or performance in this textbook or draw upon philosophical questions about how epistemology, ontology, or metaphysics may inform discussions of gender and sexuality.

The absence of humanities perspectives might be particularly important for courses that explore questions about gender and media or sexuality and media from an aesthetic or cultural literacy perspective. For example, Judith Butler’s name appears only once without any other explanation, and other feminists who use examples from novels or films – like Sara Ahmed – are not cited at all.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 3

As someone who studies digital culture, I was much less impressed with the cultural relevance of this textbook than other reviewers. Linking to the game Spent is an interesting move, but other free online games could be even more relevant examples of conversation starters about gender and sexuality. The chapter on media focuses on somewhat conventional examples from mainstream culture (Disney movies, sexist advertisements curated by Jean Kilbourne, etc.) and would be less useful for courses using queer cinema, queer games, or other non-heteronormative media texts.

Clarity rating: 3

Even though many young feminists are learning about feminism from online video channels and digital microcelebrities, relying on YouTube videos to provide key explanations undermines the clarity of the textbook. Embedded videos that aren’t dependent on external links might be preferable, as might more context for how a video should be watched and deconstructed. Many of these videos might actually confuse issues rather than simplify them, because the textbook tends to lack any explanation of who the vloggers are, what they represent, and the kinds of online performances they are known for. For example, Anita Sarkeesian’s work is presented as a mere vehicle for the Bechdel Test without introducing her profile as a target of GamerGate and a noted feminist critic of popular digital games. Similarly Franchesca Ramsey’s video about intersectionality, which leads to a broken link page, is inserted without unpacking the larger project of MTV’s Decoded. A key concept like intersectionality (and why white feminists might approach equal pay, criminalizing harassment, or reproductive rights differently from feminists of color) remains mysterious without the video link. Perhaps Kimberlé Crenshaw’s TED talk might be a more durable digital artifact in an online archive.

Topics that the authors don’t rely exclusively on a video to explain – such as the differences between micro, meso, and macro/global levels of analysis – were consequently more decipherable to readers and easier to apply in practice to examples that might be raised in class discussion. Unfortunately other topics that are described at an equal level of detail, such as scientific racism, are not clearly tied to the central topic of gender and sexuality, although the work of Patricia Hill Collins is used as a bridge.

Consistency rating: 3

There are points at which the textbook doesn’t seem to live up to its own feminist principles. It was difficult not to miss the irony of YouTube ads that played before the assigned content that often objectified women’s bodies and interrupted the consistency of the pedagogical experience.

Modularity rating: 3

Because the chapters were so short and undeveloped, it was difficult to imagine assigning a chapter in isolation. More modules about Latinx feminism or feminism from specific regions would be helpful for courses addressing global or transnational feminisms or feminisms that resist the Black/White binary. Modules about specific media platforms (broadcast television, print magazines, cinema, etc.) would also be helpful for courses that address representations of gender and sexuality.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 3

Elements in the text often appear as listed rather than linked ideas, so that it was difficult to compare and contrast different approaches to the study of gender or sexuality in ways that might facilitate class discussion. Even when an interesting juxtaposition is suggested – such as the difference between “reproductive rights” and “reproductive justice” in the section on institutions – it is not adequately developed so that students can bring questions and comments to class.

The organization is designed so that the first section of the book covers core concepts, the second section of the book is devoted to binary categories as a form of structural critique, the third section of the book is devoted to institutions, including “family, marriage, media, medicine, law, education, the state, and work,” the forth section of the book covers “gender and work in the global economy,” and the fifth section is about “historical and contemporary feminist movements.” Placing the historical section last may be counterintuitive for many who write syllabi for introductory courses.

Interface rating: 3

Having to navigate back to the modules each time a video is watched may be counterproductive for comprehension.

Although the textbook implies that media and visual images are important, they are only sprinkled sparsely through the pdf, which does not even include the cover image. The Creative Commons images selected often serve to demonstrate or illustrate a point rather than serve a potential objects of analysis for homework or in-class discussion. Some images (wine being decanted or books and a gavel) function more like clip art. Some of the images are at very low resolution and would have never been approved by a textbook art department, because they appear pixilated. On the other hand, for instructors who want to be able to update the curriculum easily with materials from the web or current events, this minimalism might be preferable.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

As others have pointed out, proofreading of the volume ensures a professional presentation of the authors’ language.

Cultural Relevance rating: 5

Because this textbook foregrounds cultural sensitivity, this was not an issue, although the section on third wave feminism was not well organized and content might soon seem dated.

Because of its skeletal structure, this OER textbook would not be desirable for courses taught by faculty outside of GSWS departments or those without knowledge of feminist research communities. For example, graduate teaching assistants would probably need more guidance running classes with this textbook as a blueprint. As a tool to facilitate class discussion, it may often also be too rudimentary in telling too few stories or developing too few case studies to reconstitute essential fractures or tensions in contemporary feminist thought or robust talking points that students could bring to class without the lesson plan of the instructor.

The authors acknowledge that the textbook grows out of a single course (with a hierarchical professor/teaching assistant relationship that might tend to reproduce a single channel of knowledge) rather than the kind of cross-institutional interdisciplinary dialogue that characterizes WGS professional associations.

Reviewed by Rebecca Tolley, Professor, East Tennessee State University on 10/4/18

The authors' note that their intent with this textbook was creating an intersectional, interdisciplinary, anchoring reference text to be used in concert with other assigned readings, for that reason, it is not comprehensive in terms of fulfilling. read more

Reviewed by Rebecca Tolley, Professor, East Tennessee State University on 10/4/18

Comprehensiveness rating: 3 see less

The authors' note that their intent with this textbook was creating an intersectional, interdisciplinary, anchoring reference text to be used in concert with other assigned readings, for that reason, it is not comprehensive in terms of fulfilling all my needs in an intro to women's studies textbook. Further, they state they are all sociologists, thus the textbook reflects a sociological bias or perspective. There is no index. Each unit includes a list of references. Key terms are bolded and defined within the text, but are not collected within each unit or at the front or back matter in glossary form. There is no mention of Title IX or VAWA, which I find disturbing. And only key leaders (the standards like Anthony and Stanton) are mentioned, and only briefly in the last unit which looks at historical feminist movements.

Content Accuracy rating: 4

Would give a five except that there is a sociological bias. No errors other than omissions, which I mention in the note on comprehensiveness.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 5

I found it most relevant. Updates should be easy to incorporate.

Clarity rating: 3

The text is okay. I didn't find it as engaging or inviting as other textbooks. I have doubts that my first and second year students will find it accessible. There is adequate context for some jargon/technical terminology used. (see my note on text's consistency), but I've encountered terms/concepts within this OER that I have not encountered in teaching from various textbooks in the discipline for seven years, that I would not introduce to my intro level students.

Consistency rating: 4

No complaints about the terminology and framework, other than there are terms and concepts used within this book that likely correlate with curriculum outcomes of U Mass Amherst, but do not correlate with my local outcomes. Since the text has a sociological bias, I assume that these terms I'm unfamiliar with are from that discipline. If I used this textbook in my class, I'd instruct students to ignore the several sections covering terms I'd not hold them responsible for learning.

Modularity rating: 5

Perfectly modular, easily divisible. It is formatted like a printed textbook, meaning that the pagination alternates from top left to top right. Perhaps more consistent pagination (like in APA formatting of an article/paper) would make assigning page number ranges easier. It's not a major problem, but a minor inconvenience. I know how some students struggle to decode information, so making things as simple and consistent as possible for users is best.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 5

The choices the authors made in organizing the content is logical and clear. It is not a deterrent to teaching this material. In my experience with several Intro to Women's Studies textbooks, authors' often order the information in different, but progressives ways that introduced readers to the concepts, philosophies, issues, and trends in the discipline while also building upon knowledge gained from earlier units/chapters. Many of the paragraphs seem quite dense and lengthy. Chunking them smaller may help reading and engagement.

Interface rating: 4

The entire text is a .pdf, which makes navigation a simple matter of paging/scrolling up or paging/scrolling down. I'm unaware of how or whether navigation anchors can be implemented with pdf, but having navigation links that return one to the TOC or to the top of the unit, would save time and make browsing for information easier. Images and charts are generally okay, though there is minor pixellation with one or two images. It is not an image-heavy text, so this is not a major concern. YouTube videos embedded within the textbook open and display with no problems.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

No grammatical errors so glaring that I noticed. It appears to be well copy-edited.

Cultural Relevance rating: 5

Highly culturally sensitive. One of its strengths is section 3 of Unit 1, which provides identity terms. For example, it posits "people of color" against "colored people" and explains what each term means, to whom it refers, and why or why not a person would choose to use those words, or to NOT choose to use the terms. It does this with at least four or five other identity groups and suggests using terms that persons claiming those identities recognize and advocate using for themselves.

This is ok. As an OER, it does a good job of introducing the majority of key concepts, philosophies and issues within the discipline. No one textbook can cover all the material that a professor deems essential, unless she creates it herself.

Reviewed by Mindy Stokes, College Instructor, Clatsop Community College on 5/21/18

This text is great to use with undergraduate students who just beginning their college careers. It includes a historical analysis of the women's movements as well as the issues facing women today. read more

Reviewed by Mindy Stokes, College Instructor, Clatsop Community College on 5/21/18

Comprehensiveness rating: 3 see less

This text is great to use with undergraduate students who just beginning their college careers. It includes a historical analysis of the women's movements as well as the issues facing women today.

Content Accuracy rating: 5

The content is accurate.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 4

The text includes historical data as well as data about our current state of affairs. Newer theories such as Intersectionality are included. Gender identity is covered as well. This is important because these issues are in the news and popular culture right now.

Clarity rating: 5

The text is easy to read. Videos are included. This is a good book for college students beginning their academic career.

Consistency rating: 4

The text is consistent with its language. It discusses issues relevant today and uses language younger generations will be familiar with.

Modularity rating: 5

The book is broken into smaller sections that can be assigned at different times during the term.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 4

The book is organized effectively. It details the history of feminist movements at the beginning and moves along from there talking about relevant topics of today such as non-binary genders, intersectionality, and body shaming.

Interface rating: 5

The book is easy to read as a PDF. It has youtube videos inserted thoughout giving the reader a visual snapshot of the theoretical topic discussed.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

The text doesn't contain grammatical errors.

Cultural Relevance rating: 5

The book is culturally relevant. It is suited for a younger audience, using language of today's world.

Reviewed by Elijah Edelman, Assistant Professor , Rhode Island College on 5/21/18

The text is distinctly more comprehensive in scope and content when contrasted to the unfortunately majority of current texts framed around gender studies. The text goes to great lengths to disrupt and unpack dominant discourses on gender and. read more

Reviewed by Elijah Edelman, Assistant Professor , Rhode Island College on 5/21/18

Comprehensiveness rating: 3 see less

The text is distinctly more comprehensive in scope and content when contrasted to the unfortunately majority of current texts framed around gender studies. The text goes to great lengths to disrupt and unpack dominant discourses on gender and, importantly, integrates this approach into the writing itself (for example, the authors refer to an individual as 'female-assigned' rather than 'female,' which provides excellent modeling for students). Of note, and a distinction from many 'gender, sex, sexuality' readers, this text weaves in many of the socio-political implications of ideologies (for example, the prison industrial complex, multi-national corporations, etc) around gender and sexuality, rather than simply providing definitions or presenting gender, sex or sexuality as enclosed systems.
While the text does a truly excellent job unpacking gender with multiple frameworks, sex essentialism across disciplines, and feminist histories, we see far less on sexuality to the degree that it is perhaps misleading to describe this text as an introduction to women, gender, sexuality studies. I would frame this book as extremely comprehensive with regard to contemporary gender studies and feminist studies, but as having, in contrast, very little content on critical sexuality studies.

Content Accuracy rating: 5

It is perhaps unfair or not entirely feasible for a social scientist, such as myself, to attempt to describe the accuracy or degrees of bias on topics that social scientists, such as myself, acknowledge are inherently subjective and require contextualization in time, place, and language. That said, working within the same north Atlantic, anglo-phone and time frame as the production of this text, I would describe this text as 'accurate and unbiased' in the sense that it acknowledges the 'messiness' and extreme variability in lived experiences of gender.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 4

I would describe this book as very much 'up-to-date' on gender studies and I would envision it as remaining viable as up-to-date for at least several years. Due to the rapidly evolving language used around gender (particularly trans studies) and emerging forms of identity, this text (in addition to every single text intended for the instruction of gender studies) will need to be updated with a degree of frequency to remain as up-to-date as it is now. However, the text is sectioned in ways that updates could be made with relative ease.

Clarity rating: 5

The text is impressively accessible in fields known for jargon while also not overly simplifying importantly complex concepts. The prose is not overly 'conversational' nor is it as obtuse as likely this very review. This texts provides a clear means for students working at the introductory level to learn about gender critically without wading through oceans of words.

Consistency rating: 5

As a text that approaches and makes use of multiple frameworks in a field that is composed of multiple frameworks, the book remains internally consistent in that approach.

Modularity rating: 5

I would describe this text's modularity as being as one of it's defining and most valuable characteristics. One could easily use only the first several chapters or even the later sections focusing on the history of feminist movements at no deficit to the concepts in the selected sections.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 5

I find the organization and flow of the text to be clear, intuitive, and in line with how a course on gender studies might flow across a semester.

Interface rating: 5

The text does not appear to have any distorted images or text nor is it unclear at any point how to get from one point in the text to another.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

I found no grammatical errors in my reading of the text.

Cultural Relevance rating: 3

My comment here is best split into two comments based on context/approach and framed as an anthropologist reviewing a text written by sociologists: 1) If we approach this text as being produced by and for those who are specifically focused on or in US or North Atlantic formations of gender, sex, and itinerant features of race, social class, and experience then it is fair to say this text is 'culturally relevant.' 2) If we approach this text from a cross-cultural or anthropological approach, or in non-US or North Atlantic contexts, I would not describe this text as being 'culturally relevant' in that it is overwhelmingly focused on US/North Atlantic understandings, experiences, histories, and conceptual frameworks. In other words, this text is appropriate for getting at a very geographically and linguistically-fixed (US/North Atlantic and written English) discussion of gender. This text would not be appropriate for courses or students approaching concepts of gender, sexuality and itinerant concepts of race and class outside of US/North Atlantic and Anglophone contexts. Finally, the authors do make note of their disciplinary approach (sociology) as well as limitations this produces in the introduction of the text and so my comment here is less an evaluation of the authors or the text and more a statement echoing the authors' noted focus/limitations of the text.

My only comment of concern--which is a critique that can be generalized to most, if not all, texts intended for an undergraduate audience--are the limited use of citations when discussing terms, concepts, or ideas that the authors did not themselves develop. To be clear, the authors do engage, discuss, and cite far more theorists than a general reader (including a clear and well-placed list of references at the end of each chapter) and this contributes significantly to the overall quality of the book. Moreover, to provide the level of citations needed or expected of, say, a journal article would likely result in a diminished quality of clarity, which runs counter to the goal of the text. However, as an example of a concept or claim that would benefit from a citation, on page 20 the authors write ". racial categories are different in Brazil, where many individuals with African ancestry are considered to be white." Brazilian scholars on race (see Santos et al 2009) or Brazilians who have African ancestry and are racialized as distinctly not white may not agree with this statement, nor is it clear how or who is the basis for this particular claim. In short, those adopting this text (and even those not adopting this text) should remind students how and why citations are used.

Reviewed by Milton Wendland, Instructional Faculty II, University of South Florida on 3/27/18

The text provides a broad overview of key concepts, although some that would seem to me foundational are missing (e.g., patriarchy, kyriarchy, Title IX, internalized racism/homophobia/misogyny, etc). Intersectionality is woven in throughout. read more

Reviewed by Milton Wendland, Instructional Faculty II, University of South Florida on 3/27/18

Comprehensiveness rating: 4 see less

The text provides a broad overview of key concepts, although some that would seem to me foundational are missing (e.g., patriarchy, kyriarchy, Title IX, internalized racism/homophobia/misogyny, etc). Intersectionality is woven in throughout, deeply enough for students to get a sense of its breadth, application, and usefulness but not so much or so deeply that the entire text is reduced to being a text on intersectionality. Due to its brevity, there are some large areas and topics that are not included but this is easily addressed by adding material of one’s own to the course. A glossary and an index would be helpful; searching the text works but for some terms can be time-consuming and misleading.

Content Accuracy rating: 4

I didn’t see any factual or definitional inaccuracies, but because this is an introductory text (and introductory-lite, at that) some topics do get glossed a tad briefly – race, among them. One large issue that needs to be addressed is how the text asserts that “Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies (WGSS) is an interdisciplinary field.” That’s factually and conceptually inaccurate; these are three separate fields that have their own histories, approaches, and critical debates even as they share common subjects and methods. They need to be addressed separately, at least in passing, so as not to be confused in the minds of students. And, as with any text written by authors trained in specific disciplines, this text is deeply indebted to sociological thinking and only rarely explicitly includes other disciplinary approaches and methods. This could suggest to students that the fields of women’s studies, gender studies, and sexuality studies are the provenance of sociology only. While the instructor could easily add material to round out the text, it would be nice to have some of this in the text already.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 5

While some of the statistics and data are already starting to show their age, the brevity and organization of the text makes it easy for the authors to update. I would think a yearly update could be accomplished with relative ease. The links worked but would need to be checked. Of course in areas like those covered in the text, the landscape of law and political culture can change rapidly but I think any instructor would easily be able to add in relevant/current material with ease.

Clarity rating: 5

The text is definitely chockful of concepts and terms that might be overwhelming on their own, but the brevity of the book suggests that it is designed to skeleton or frame a course and not be the sole or only text in the course. For that reason – and because the authors have chunked the text into units and sub-chapters – the relative density should be manageable, even for the first-semester college student.

Consistency rating: 5

Some texts with multiple authors reveal themselves as different units and chapters feel different and don’t flow. This text flows well. Terms and concepts are standard throughout and the writing style is consistent.

Modularity rating: 5

I appreciate the way this text is chunked into units and chapters that I believe I could assign in almost any order and that I could break up or group together to fit my course needs. The modularity or chunking also makes it easy for an instructor to insert additional introductory, supplementary, reinforcing, or mastery material of any type (e.g., readings, assignments, documentaries, group projects, discussion questions, etc).

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 5

The text flows well. It’s more common to see a chapter on feminist and its history at the beginning of a text but because of the modularity of the book, it is easy to change the order.

Interface rating: 5

One small issue is that the font-size of the attributions and captions is too large and distracting, especially when it is only an attribution. Some are oddly placed (e.g., page 26).

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

I reviewed this text for content and not closely for composition issues like grammar and punctuation. That said, I didn’t notice any errors.

Cultural Relevance rating: 4

I didn’t see anything blatantly or directly insensitive or offensive. However, because of its brevity, the text sometimes glosses perhaps a tad lightly. For example, race is addressed and covered but I was left wondering if my students would leave the text with a more nuanced understanding of race or not.

Reviewed by Kathryn Klement, Assistant Professor, Bemidji State University on 2/1/18

The authors are very comprehensive in their topic coverage. I particularly like how discussion of intersectionality permeates the text outside of its specific chapter. I also like how the authors supplemented their text with embedded videos. read more

Reviewed by Kathryn Klement, Assistant Professor, Bemidji State University on 2/1/18

Comprehensiveness rating: 5 see less

The authors are very comprehensive in their topic coverage. I particularly like how discussion of intersectionality permeates the text outside of its specific chapter. I also like how the authors supplemented their text with embedded videos, which heightened the accessibility of some of the material. One limitation is that there is no glossary, so readers would need to keyword search within the document (and to do that, they'd need to know what they were looking for).

Content Accuracy rating: 5

The authors use sociological and other social science research to back up their work, and provide reference lists for each unit. It is possible that there are new data that could challenge some of the statements since the text was published, but it's quite current (e.g., using 2015 Census data). The language is unbiased in that it centers marginalized experiences.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 5

The language used to describe and refer to marginalized identities is current (and explained well). The units are arranged in reasonable chunks, and the content groups make sense.

Clarity rating: 5

The writing is very clear, and speaking to the comprehensiveness of content, covers a large amount of terms and material. For an introductory text, there are a lot of social science terms, but I think the authors do a good job of explaining them, in addition to providing sources for further information, including videos.

Consistency rating: 5

The consistency is great across all sections of the text. Intersectional perspectives inform all relevant content areas.

Modularity rating: 5

Chapters range from 3-6 pages, and often include graphics and/or embedded videos. The paragraphs are also manageable. As the chapters are short, they can be assigned individually or in groups. For some chapters, it will make more sense to have other content explained first (e.g., discussing heteronormativity and gender prior to discussing the U.S. family structure), but most of the content can be read in any order. Some (including me) might want to start a class with a historical perspective of women's movements, though the authors put this content at the end of the text.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 5

The units are organized into groups of topics that make sense. Due to the modularity of some topics, the order could be arbitrary, but some later topics definitely benefit from the foundation of earlier topics (e.g., race, class, and gender earlier; racialized, gendered, and sexualized labor later).

Interface rating: 5

The text, images, and links are clear and well-formatted.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

I noticed no spelling or grammar mistakes.

Cultural Relevance rating: 4

As I mentioned earlier, the terminology is up-to-date. The only area I found deficient was a discussion of religious identity. Religion is mentioned in passing a few times, but does not have its own chapter. As women comprise the majority of religious adherents, and several major religions have oppressive roots (which have many implications for women and trans folks), I would like to have seen some coverage.

I think the authors provide an excellent introduction to the sociological perspective of women, gender, and sexuality.

Reviewed by Vicki McGarvey, Learning & Information Services Manager, Staffordshire University on 2/1/18

This is a clear and concise introduction, to women, gender and sexuality. It provides a theoretical context and examines the various societal issues and constructs that shape individual beliefs. The book focuses on work and the economy, culture. read more

Reviewed by Vicki McGarvey, Learning & Information Services Manager, Staffordshire University on 2/1/18

Comprehensiveness rating: 4 see less

This is a clear and concise introduction, to women, gender and sexuality. It provides a theoretical context and examines the various societal issues and constructs that shape individual beliefs. The book focuses on work and the economy, culture, historical and contemporary movements, as well as the construction of binary systems, but not in isolation, it argues that the overlapping of systems reinforces beliefs.

Given the comprehensiveness of the book, an interactive index and particularly a glossary would be helpful, as readers may find this a useful reference resource whilst reading, especially for keeping track of some of the acronyms and at a later date as a refresher for some of the terminology used within the subject.

Content Accuracy rating: 4

It is written from an American perspective, so many of the illustrations reflect this, however, it would be of value for
those that are researching the subject from a comparative perspective. Furthermore, the units on “Theoretical
Frameworks and Concepts” “Binary Systems and Constructions of Difference” have generic observations that could be integrated within most introductory courses on the subject.

The book is structured into Units with images and cleverly incorporates multimedia. It is a good starting point for readers who want to undertake further research, and the incorporated references will help with this.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 4

Given the nature of the subject keeping the content up-to-date may be a bit of a challenge, with respect to providing recent illustrations within the areas covered, and as terminology change. However, the historical observations will still remain relevant.

Clarity rating: 5

The book is clear and concise give the complexity of the subject areas. The inclusion of images and multimedia helps to consolidate the observations and the arguments within the text. Terminology and theory are necessary to explain the overlapping systems identified within the book, but these are written in a straightforward manner although a glossary would also help here.

Consistency rating: 5

Despite there being several authors of this book the text remains consistent throughout. The division into units and chapters within the units helps to pace the reader and would also help any teacher who would like to repurpose any aspect and integrate into their learning materials. The terminology is illustrated with real life examples which also assists understanding.

Modularity rating: 5

The modularity of the book is one if its strengths. Given that this can be a complex subject, as it refers to social theory, history, medicine and science the structure and the pacing helps the reader to digest this. The visuals and multimedia also break up the text. The writing is consistent and clear throughout and the units and chapters are not to onerous or large which is important in an introductory text.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 5

The book flows well, and the Units interrelate but can equally standalone. The theoretical start frames the subject well, before moving into the societal and historical units. The clear text is written within a critical context.

Interface rating: 4

The PDF format is not interactive, but it is possible to search the text. The units and the chapters, however, help with the navigation. There was no issue navigating to the videos, and images rendered well and clearly captioned, including the creative commons licence.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

I could not see any errors with the book. One of the strengths of this book is its accessibly writing style throughout.

Cultural Relevance rating: 4

The book is written in an inclusive way, the illustrations are also representative, although from an American perspective which is not particularly clear in the title and the introduction. However, the theoretical overviews could be usefully integrated within any teaching within the area. The subject matter is presented from a cross cultural perspective, including, observations about race, class, globalisation,social activism and justice and the intersections between these in developing individual beliefs. Possibly a Unit comparing with another country/countires or some comparative examples within the text would be of help, and an extra dimension to some of the arguments presented.

The title clearly states that this is an introduction to women gender and sexuality studies which is clearly is. It opens the door to the subject and the lively writing style would help the reader to look further into the subject, and possibly more complex work. Apart from theoretical observation, it is very much from an American perspective which could be made a little bit clearer, but nevertheless given that it is not too lengthy and well set out it would be of useful to any reader studying or interested in the subject.

Reviewed by Janice Okoomian, Assistant Professor, Rhode Island College on 2/1/18

A number of important concepts are not covered or are only mentioned in passing -- the role of religion, for instance, in constructing ideologies of gender. More detail is needed to explain the many concepts presented. Examples need to be more. read more

Reviewed by Janice Okoomian, Assistant Professor, Rhode Island College on 2/1/18

Comprehensiveness rating: 2 see less

A number of important concepts are not covered or are only mentioned in passing -- the role of religion, for instance, in constructing ideologies of gender. More detail is needed to explain the many concepts presented. Examples need to be more robust and vibrant in order to illustrate concepts.

Content Accuracy rating: 3

Generally, the content is accurate, but as all of the authors are sociologists, there is an inherent bias in its single disciplinary perspective.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 3

Some examples will need to be updated. For instance, there is a new class action suit against Walmart, which is not mentioned in the vignette about Walmart. Gender expression and sexuality terminology will also need to be updated soon.

Clarity rating: 2

The book is written clearly but would not be accessible for many students, who will find it dry and boring. I attribute this to the density of theoretical concepts, which are presented one after another without sufficient examples or images.

Consistency rating: 5

This is an area of strength for this book. Terminology and framework are internally consistent.

Modularity rating: 4

The text is divided into logical chunks, and I could easily see assigning a module of a few pages as a single reading.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 5

The organization makes sense and is easy to follow.

Interface rating: 5

Navigation was easy and images were not distorted.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

Impeccable written expression.

Cultural Relevance rating: 2

Although the authors themselves observe that racial difference cannot be reduced to white/black distinctions, it reproduces the very reductive racial discourse it objects to. While African American women are well represented in the text, there is a curious absence of representation of other racial or ethnic groups in the text and especially in the images.

Like many introductory textbooks in the field, this one is written by sociologists. The authors regard the fact that they are all sociologists, "as both a strength and weakness of the text, as it provides a strong sociological approach but does not cover the entire range of work in the field.” (7) I believe it to be much more of a weakness than a strength, however, because when introductory texts are written from a single disciplinary perspective it skews and impoverishes students' understanding of GWSS. It would be necessary to balance the text with readings from other disciplines -- history, literary studies, art history, religion, philosophy, anthropology, and all the rest -- in order to provide a more accurate representation of the field.

In addition, the concept-heavy text would be heavy going for many of today's students. It reads more like an extended glossary than anything else. To make the text more engaging, there should many many more examples, vignettes, stories, scenarios, and exercises to help students understand concepts and engage in learning how to apply them. The pictures are particularly problematic. There are too few of them, some of them are boring (law books with a gavel), while others are irrelevant (pouring wine into a decanter). The layout of the textbook is also not engaging -- very text dense, with too little attention paid to document design.

Reviewed by Michelle Buchberger, Assistant Professor, Miami University on 2/1/18

The text is brief. It is 132 pages, covering the following topics: 1. Critical Introduction to the Field 2. Theorizing Lived Experiences 3. Identity Terms 4. Conceptualizing Structures of Power 5. Social Constructionism 6. Intersectionality 7. read more

Reviewed by Michelle Buchberger, Assistant Professor, Miami University on 2/1/18

Comprehensiveness rating: 3 see less

The text is brief. It is 132 pages, covering the following topics:
1. Critical Introduction to the Field
2. Theorizing Lived Experiences
3. Identity Terms
4. Conceptualizing Structures of Power
5. Social Constructionism
6. Intersectionality
7. Introduction: Binary Systems
8. Theorizing Sex/Gender/Sexuality
9. Gender and Sex – Transgender and Intersex
10. Sexualities
11. Masculinities
12. Race
13. Class
14. Alternatives to Binary Systems
15. Introduction: Institutions, Cultures, and Structures
16. Family
17. Media
18. Medicine, Health, and Reproductive Justice
19. State, Laws, and Prisons
20. Intersecting Institutions Case Study: The Struggle to End Gendered Violence and Violence
Against Women
21. Introduction: Gender, Work and Globalization
22. Gender and Work in the US
23. Gender and the US Welfare State
24. Transnational Production and Globalization
25. Racialized, Gendered, and Sexualized Labor in the Global Economy
26. Introduction: Feminist Movements
27. 19th Century Feminist Movements
28. Early to Late 20th Century Feminist Movements
29. Third Wave and Queer Feminist Movements

Content Accuracy rating: 5

I found no errors in the book; neither spelling/grammar not content.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 4

The content is up to date, including YouTube videos - all links worked when I tested them.

Clarity rating: 4

The book is written in a clear, accessible style. There are several illustrations in the text.

Consistency rating: 4

The terminology and framework are consistent.

Modularity rating: 5

The units are very short, and chunked into 29 pieces. This would be easy to add as supplementary readings if used with another more comprehensive text.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 5

The book flows very effectively. Key words are bolded and clearly explained the first time they appear.

Interface rating: 4

No problems with hyperlinks or distortion. Some of the images are a bit grainy, but are still viewable on a computer screen. Distorted when printed.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

No grammatical errors that I found.

Cultural Relevance rating: 4

Nothing offensive. The book is almost exclusively US focussed. Sections on Global and Transnational aspects of feminism are very brief.

This 132 page volume was written by four UMASS professors. It is a well-produced and well-presented work, albeit rather brief and focused (as the authors themselves admit) on a sociological perspective. It was created specifically to counter the increasing cost of textbooks in the field, and the contents, if brief, cover significant topics in the field of Women, Gender, and Sexuality studies.

Reviewed by Stef Woods, Professorial Lecturer, American University on 2/1/18

I was impressed with the book's comprehensiveness. I particularly appreciated the book's discussion of the field of sexuality studies, the binary, media and the importance of language. I also loved how the book incorporated videos. This book would. read more

Reviewed by Stef Woods, Professorial Lecturer, American University on 2/1/18

Comprehensiveness rating: 5 see less

I was impressed with the book's comprehensiveness. I particularly appreciated the book's discussion of the field of sexuality studies, the binary, media and the importance of language. I also loved how the book incorporated videos. This book would work well for a survey or introductory course in sexuality studies. But, it's comprehensive enough to also be utilized for discrete class topics. And, finally, I liked how each unit had references at the end. That would make it easy for a junior or senior to use the text to provide a clear overview about a topic and then delve into the sources for a research paper.

Content Accuracy rating: 5

I regard the text to be accurate. With that said, this is a broad-brush approach to the subject matter. If someone requires an in-depth examination of a topic in sexuality studies, I would then check the sources that the book references for that.

The section on race could have been strengthened, though. I like the inclusion of scientific racism, But I wish that the authors had discussed: 1) that there is no such thing as a pure genetically homogeneous race; and 2) that there is no genetic basis for race.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 4

With that said, I was surprised that the book didn't reference Stonewall at all. I felt as though Black Lives Matter and the Women's March should have been addressed in the body of the text and not just in photographs. I also wish that there was a discussion on post-feminism. (I don't agree that we live in a post-feminist world, but some people do.) Finally,

I anticipate that students who read this book will appreciate the inclusion of videos and graphs. With that said, I hope that these will be updated. Videos reflect popular culture, which changes with the time. And, the graphs will lose their relevance with each passing year.

Clarity rating: 5

This book is exceptionally clear. I particularly appreciate the use of bold for key phrases, the definitions in the first unit, and the inclusion of videos and graphs.

Consistency rating: 5

I found the book to be internally consistent, but also to effectively present points in different contexts. This was evident in the book's discussion of intersectionality and feminism.

Modularity rating: 5

I really appreciated how the text was divided. This book could easily be assigned as sub-sections, units or in its entirety.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 4

It seemed odd to me to have the history unit at the end of the book. To me, it would have made more sense to discuss history in the second or third unit in the book.

Interface rating: 4

I wish that the table of contents had page numbers. But, overall, I thought that the book was easy to navigate and read.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

I wasn't reading with eagle-eye editing in mind, but the chapters appear to be grammatically correct.

Cultural Relevance rating: 4

I appreciated the discussion about intersectionality, but if I'm teaching about race as a social construct or Black Lives Matter, I would assign another resource.

I teach a class entitled Sexuality and Social Media. I also have sections about feminism, gender identity, othering/ableist language and intersectionality in three other classes I teach. I would recommend this book -- or sections of this book -- for an Introduction to Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies class or for other classes that incorporate WGSS concepts and theories into their curricula.I know that students appreciate online resources and how that makes materials more accessible to a larger number of students. I will be assigning portions of this book next semester and letting other instructors in the WGSS program know about it.

Reviewed by Maina C. Singh, Scholar in Residence, School of International Service, American University on 2/1/18

The title of the book itself reflects its wide span of coverage -- from women and gender to more complex debates in Sexuality Studies. It covers each of these areas in great detail providing examples which would be familiar and relevant to. read more

Reviewed by Maina C. Singh, Scholar in Residence, School of International Service, American University on 2/1/18

Comprehensiveness rating: 5 see less

The title of the book itself reflects its wide span of coverage -- from women and gender to more complex debates in Sexuality Studies. It covers each of these areas in great detail providing examples which would be familiar and relevant to students in the US.

Content Accuracy rating: 5

The content is well-curated with a adequate self-reflexiveness.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 5

I don't believe that the content of this book will become obsolete anytime soon. However, textbooks such as this one, which provide several examples from contemporary American society and politics may require updates in due course.

Should a future instructor desire to add or substitute examples, I believe that it should be easy to make modifications.

Clarity rating: 5

A major strength of this book is its overall clarity and lucidity in explaining important concepts. Teaching courses on Gender and Sexuality requires unpacking wide-ranging concepts like Race, Class , Hegemony and so forth in order to contextualize gender in terms of structural inequalities rooted in colonialism, global production patterns , labor migrations etc. Unit 2 of this book "Challenging Binary Systems and Constructions of Difference" provides some excellent and lucid explanations for this project.

Consistency rating: 4

The terminology and framework of the book create consistent flow.
The book displays a student-centric approach to learning.

Modularity rating: 5

The structure of the book enables easy insertion or modifications for future Instructors who may wish to assign only parts of this textbook.
In fact, for the same reason, this textbook can be productively used for Online Teaching as well, where it would be easy to assign certain sections to any module which may require a discussion of Gender issues. This can be relevant to courses in Sociology, Area Studies or International Relations.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 5

From Unit 1 which introduces the subject terrain to Units 4 ( 'Gender and Work in the Global Economy' ) and finally Unit 5 ( 'Historical and Contemporary Feminist Social Movements' ), the book expands its canvas and deepens its critique with a wealth of detail and commentary that is commendable.

Interface rating: 5

The interface is user-friendly and student-friendly !

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

Did not find any significant problems with the grammar.

Cultural Relevance rating: 3

The text is culturally sensitive but is firmly rooted in a North American context. Thus, ' inclusiveness' of the authors is reflected in the attention that they pay to examining gender and power as it relates to the underprivileged and minority groups whether they may be oppressed due to Race, Class or Sexuality. All of this has a North American focus-- even when there is a discussion of "Gender and Work in the Global Economy" Therefore, if an Instructor wishes to offer a course on Gender Studies encompassing a wider transnational canvas, then the examples presented here offer limited possibilities.

The units in this textbook which explain concepts, terms and frameworks related to Gender and Sexuality are of immense value. However, if OER initiatives are aimed at cost-reduction not only for for students in the US, but also transnationally, then for students of 'Gender and Sexuality Studies' outside the US, this textbook would have limited value because the debates presented herein are predominantly US-centric. Even the last Unit which discusses "Historical and Contemporary Feminist Social Movements" , would have limited resonance for students in the Global South.
Since OER initiatives also seek to provide cost-free textbooks globally, this is an important factor to bear in mind.

Table of Contents

Unit I: An Introduction to Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies: Grounding Theoretical Frameworks and Concepts

Unit II: Challenging Binary Systems and Constructions of Difference

Unit III: Institutions, Culture, and Structures

Unit IV: Gender and Work in the Global Economy

Unit V: Historical and Contemporary Feminist Social Movements

Ancillary Material

About the Book

This textbook introduces key feminist concepts and analytical frameworks used in the interdisciplinary Women, Gender, Sexualities field. It unpacks the social construction of knowledge and categories of difference, processes and structures of power and inequality, with a focus on gendered labor in the global economy, and the historical development of feminist social movements. The book emphasizes feminist sociological approaches to analyzing structures of power, drawing heavily from empirical feminist research.

About the Contributors


Miliann Kang is associate professor in Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, where she is also affiliated faculty in Sociology and Asian/Asian American Studies. Her book, The Managed Hand: Race, Gender and the Body in Beauty Service Work (2010, University of California Press) addresses gendered processes and relations in immigrant women’s work focusing on Asian-owned nail salons. It won four awards from the American Sociological Association (Sections on Racial and Ethnic Minorities; Sex and Gender; Race, Gender, and Class; and Asia/Asian America) and the Sara Whaley book prize from the National Women’s Studies Association. She is currently researching work-family issues for Asian American women, and the racial politics of mothering. Her research has been supported by the American Association of University Women, the Ford Foundation, the Institute for Asian American Studies at UMass Boston, the Labor Relations and Research Center at UMass Amherst and the Social Science Research Council. She received her Ph.D. from New York University and her B.A. magna cum laude from Harvard University.

Donovan Lessard is a researcher and public health evaluator with an MA in sociology and a Graduate Certificate in Advanced Feminist Studies.

Laura Heston is a graduate student in the Department of Sociology at University Massachusetts, Amherst.

Sonny Nordmarken is a graduate student in the Department of Sociology at University Massachusetts, Amherst.