ANZIIF introduces digital certificate for insurance professionals

ANZIIF introduces digital certificate for insurance professionals

The Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance (ANZIIF) has launched a digital badging program for insurance professionals who hold an ANZIIF CIP Membership and certain qualifications.

The certification is offered through Credly’s digital credentials solution, and can be featured on social networking profiles like LinkedIn, embedded into an email signature or web page and shared through email or social media.

“A majority of the workforce shifted to remote working this year, altering the way we work, interact and learn,” said Damian Falkingham, ANZIIF’s general manager for industry engagement.

“With the industry facing a wave of legislative and regulatory changes in 2021, ANZIIF will be heavily focused on the year of the insurance professional. This is the perfect time to provide ANZIIF CIP Members with digital badges of certification for ANZIIF qualifications.”

According to Falkingham, ANZIIF will still award paper certificates, but the digital badges will allow professionals to demonstrate their competencies and achievements online.

“Professional development and lifelong learning is something that should be celebrated and we believe ANZIIF’s partnership with Credly will help showcase the incredible people that work in our industry,” he said.

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