A Book by Mark G. Sobell
A Practical Guide to Ubuntu Linux, Fourth Edition
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- Includes a DVD with the full Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr)
- Covers Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr)
- Full coverage of the LPI Linux Essentials exam objectives plus extensive coverage of the CompTIA Linux+ exam objectives; Appendix D provides a map from objectives to pages in the book
- One chapter each on setting up and using these servers/clients: Samba, NIS/LDAP, the new LDAP dynamic server, NFSv4, DNS/BIND, Apache (httpd), OpenSSH, FTP (vsftpd), sendmail, and IPv6
- A chapter that covers the ufw, gufw, and iptables firewall tools
- New coverage of find, sort, xz (compression), free, xargs, and the nano editor
- Expanded command-line coverage, including a new chapter that details 32 important utilities
- New programming chapters that cover Python and MariaDB/MySQL
- A new tutorial on using the GPG (GnuPG) encryption tool to provide message authentication, confidentiality, and integrity
- A new chapter on system security that includes sections on gaining root privileges using su and sudo, password security, securing a server, PAM, cryptography, hash functions, and GPG
- A new chapter that covers VMs (virtual machines) and cloud computing, including VMware, QEMU/KVM, virt-manager, virsh, GNOME Boxes, and AWS (Amazon Web Services)
- Seven chapters on sytem administration including setting up a server, DHCP, the Linux filesystem, keeping a system up-to-date using yum, GRUB2, the XFS filesystem, setting up a LAN, and monitoring a network using Cacti
- Three chapters on bash (the Bourne Again Shell) including one chapter on shell programming (writing shell scripts)
- Coverage of the command line and key system GUI tools
- Complete coverage of how to use both su and sudo to gain root privileges
- See the Preface for more details of coverage
Read a brief biography of Mark Sobell.
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Send a note to Mark Sobell at mgs@sobell.com.
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